Publication by Dr. Beate Ritz reaches Top 10% Most Cited on PLOS ONE
The scientific publication ‘’α-Synuclein Genetic Variants Predict Faster Motor Symptom Progression in Idiopathic Parkinson Disease’’ by Drs. Bronstein, Bordelon, Rhodes and Dr. Beate Ritz has reached the Top 10% Most Cited ranking on the PLOS ONE organization.
This population-based, longitudinal study of 242 California Parkinson’s disease patients, published on May 15, 2012, linked genetic variants at both ends of the α-synuclein (SNCA) gene that may influence protein expression to faster motor decline during disease progression.
PLOS ONE-supplied metrics show the paper was read over 5300 times, cited in 150-plus other published work and also reported on by local and national news outlets such as ABC and CBS news.